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Healthwatch Staffordshire
July 2024
The ambulance service is the first port of call for members of the public when medical emergencies arise. They expect a 999 call to bring a timely response. They see on TV the great work that paramedics do day in... [more]
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Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire
15th August 2024
Working in partnership with Health Innovation East (HIE) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire (HWCB) was proud to host a Diabetes Awareness event on 15th August 2024 at the Rufus Centre in Flitwick, Bedfordshire. The... [more]
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Healthwatch Warwickshire
May - July 2024
Healthwatch Warwickshire, Quarterly Performance Report, Year 1 Quarter 3, May - July 2024
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Healthwatch Oxfordshire
September 2024
This report summarises the results of a Healthwatch Oxfordshire study of primary and secondary eye care services in Oxfordshire. It focused on people's experiences of appointments, information and communication, referral to a specialist service, quality of care, and support to... [more]
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Healthwatch Rotherham
August 2024
In August, we spoke to 77 people regarding their experiences with health and social care services in Rotherham. This information was gathered from in - person engagement, events and telephone/email enquiries. We spoke to people from a variety of backgrounds and ages. You can view our most spoken about topics and services below (including Rotherham Hospital, GP and pharmacy services)
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Healthwatch Bristol
Healthwatch Bristol, Annual Report 2023/24
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Critical and Radical Social Work
2nd September 2024
Putting disabled people in charge of their own support was a central component of the UK personalisation agenda. Austerity, staff recruitment difficulties and local authority retrenchment have meant that the experience for disabled people has not always lived up to... [more]
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Healthwatch Ealing
April - June 2024
This report functions as a standardised general overview of what Ealing residents have told us within the last three months
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BMC - Research Involvement and Engagement - NON-UK!
Engaging and partnering with youth in research related to healthcare is important, but often not done well. As researchers, we recognize that youth perspectives are needed to make sure we are asking the right questions, using appropriate research methods, and... [more]
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International Journal of Care and Caring
Carers' mental health is often the focus of policy and research in Global North contexts. Research exploring carers' views often uses survey methods to collect information about their experiences and views of services and support. However, the experiences of adult... [more]
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