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Stroke Association
Stroke remains one of the greatest health challenges in England today, with increasing rates of stroke incidence and the associated impact on individuals, their loved ones, and the health care system. This report sets out a comprehensive, evidence - based approach to... [more]
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Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
March 2025
This report argues that the impact of AI in triage and navigation services could be transformational, improving safety and convenience for patients, increasing NHS productivity, and reducing waiting times across the NHS, without the need to expand the workforce. Better... [more]
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Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
This research finds that people admitted to mental health trusts have better access to treatment for smoking than they did five years ago, but are being let down by a failure to create smokefree care environments. The findings come as... [more]
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NHS England
17th March 2025
Guidance and accompanying resources aim to support integrated care boards (ICBs) to improve abortion services. This includes commissioning guidance and principles; together with the NHS's objectives and vision for abortion services and key actions for ICBs and partners to take forward to improve care and promote sector resilience
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Healthwatch Newham
January 2025
This report outlines the key discussions, observations, and feedback from a breast cancer awareness focus group session. The session aimed to educate participants on breast cancer, assess their existing knowledge, and address barriers to screening. Additionally, it sought to explore ways to improve engagement and accessibility to breast cancer screening services
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Healthwatch Newham
24th January 2025
Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers affecting men worldwide, yet many men from ethnic minority communities, including the Congolese community, face barriers in accessing screening and treatment. Research suggests that African and Afro - Caribbean men are at a... [more]
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Healthwatch Newham
29th January 2025
The focus group began with an introduction to bowel health, covering basic anatomy and the function of the bowel. This was followed by a workshop on bowel cancer, where participants learned about its risk factors, lifestyle influences, and the importance... [more]
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Healthwatch Barnsley
Autumn 2024
When we were deciding on our priorities for 2024/25 we asked the public what services they thought we should concentrate on, and Adult Social Care came in the top three
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Healthwatch Cambridgeshire - Healthwatch Peterborough
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire - Healthwatch Peterborough, Our Strategy 2025 - 2030, 'Listening to our communities and helping improve health and social care services. ', 2025
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Wiley - Health Expectations - NON-UK!
20th February 2025
Social media became a key communication channel for public health agencies during the COVID19 pandemic, especially for reaching younger populations less engaged with traditional channels. However, official social media health com - munication often fails to appeal to young people. Improving... [more]
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